Wife: Eileen
First Born Son: Jack Born the year 90ME
First Born Daughter: Linda Born the year 90 ME
Second Born Son: Dante Born the year 95 ME
First Born Son: Jack Born the year 90ME
First Born Daughter: Linda Born the year 90 ME
Second Born Son: Dante Born the year 95 ME
The Acquisition of Debt and the Rise of The Nands
Pino's rein began in the wake of the bloodiest war in Ruinosian history to date. He was left with a Kingdom of shambles and wreckage. The Lord's who ruled along side his father had all died with their king, leaving behind widows and children to rule in their place. Pino's first coarse of action though, was to ensure that an invasion from the Pegasus would not be possible in the near future, this meant that the royal navy would need to receive an outpour of resources from the crown. He realized that though his father's army was strong on the ground that they were easily outflanked by the Pegasus's superior ships and naval prowess. In theory this was a brilliant idea, but Ruinous was lacking the man power a resources required to build the quality of ships that Pino desired, and so for the first time the King of Ruinous would seek the aid of an outside entity. During his time on the Southern Continent Pino came across talented ship builders who built ships called Galleys, that were more suited for naval warfare, unlike the boats that Ruinous and Pegasus were using that were only suited to transport troops. These Galleys were designed to sink larger ships by ramming them, while sustaining minimal damage themselves. With Galleys protecting their seas Ruinous would no longer be as vulnerable to invasion. Capital, however, was a problem for the crown. The war had depleted the crown's finances and the Lords of Ruinous had little to offer as well. This obstacle was something Pino could easily overcome though. He knew of a place in the South where one could borrow capital and then pay it back. The catch was that you would have to repay your debt in in full over an agreed upon period of time and then repay an additional fee called interest. This place was known as a Bank, and with no council to advise him otherwise, as they had all been killed, Pino went forward and borrowed the gold. Within two years time he had commissioned three fleets of war Galleys. He kept none of these three fleets for himself though. The Gafertys, Castellos, and Nyis were all gifted fleets, with the agreement that they would aid in repaying the debt the ships created. Pino also used the gold borrowed in order to erect a castle and home for Mikken Nands, who had played a pivotal role in the war. Mikken was offered any unsettled land that he wanted and was given the gold to build what ever home he desired. For his lands Mikken chose to settle near the Black Stone Mountains, just between Castello and Ellison, but he did not build a castle. Instead he erected a two hundred foot tower built entirely of black stones, known as Black Stone Tower. The tower had no walls or obvious defenses and after its completion Pino asked his friend how he planned to defend his home in case of an attack. Mikken told him that he did not need walls of stone for he placed a series of powerful enchantments over his home. In addition to granting Mikken Lordship and lands Pino also created a new role on his council. The position of High Mage was created, with the stipulation that it could only be held by a light mage, such as Mikken, insuring that his family would always play a role in the governing of Ruinous. For the years to follow Mikken would be Pino's only advisor, as no other male lords were of age to hold a position or in a position to leave their lands. For the time being there would be no council. Pino essentially had power over all.
The Reformation of the Council
Years passed and the Ruinous had finally begun to show signs of recover. The chaos the last war had cause was now just an echo. The fatherless children left behind had finally come of age and taken their places ruling the lands and Pino was under immense pressure to restore the council. He had become accustomed to ruling with just the guidance of Mikken, who spent very little time in the capital as was, but he decided to stick the principals that his kingdom was founded on an appoint new members to his council. The choice of Grandmaster was an easy one for Pino. He would choose Solomine Gaferty, his father had been the last to hold the position that by tradition belonged to the Gafertys and he was a veteran of the war. Solomine was the only one among them who had not been a child at the time and he held his ground for nearly two years. Pino respected Solomine and now that he had a son of his own he would have no problem leaving his wife to rule Ellison in his name. The selection of Master of the Treasury was difficult though. The crown was still heavily in debt and Pino did not want to upset the delicate plans that he had laid for the his finances. He decided that Eli Castello would be the best choice, only because he knew that Eli would follow the blue print Pino would leave for him. He also decide to do away with the position of Commander of the Royal Navy though, for several reasons. Firstly he took great pride in the Navy he had built and wished to command it himself and also that with the creation of a High Mage it would make six council positions. He wanted to keep the number of council members odd so that there would never be a tie in a voting. Although the King had the right to overrule his councils decision, no King ever did. Lastly he needed a Commander for his Royal Knights, but first he would need Royal Knights. The war had left his father's entire company of knights dead and Pino had not since felt the need to have knights. He did realize though that as Ruinous was growing again he no longer could control all aspects of the Kingdom and he would need knights to command his men, and to protect his person. So Pino held a tourney, the first since the war, and the winner would be offered a knighthood as well as a position on the council. The tourney was held and the victor was the current lord of Waldwick, Baren Testoke. Baren had no problem giving up his claim to Waldwick in order to serve the King as a Royal Knight and left his seat to his younger brother Alvin, who was only a boy of seven at the time. Pino was very pleased with Baren as a Knight. In the war after Waldwick Virile had been capture, Baren, who was but a boy had fought off Pegasus soldiers and escaped his home with his infant brother, saving their lives as well as the Testoke line. Baren was a survivor and was clearly selfless. Pino admired these qualities in him. The reformation of the council had taken a great weight off of Pino's shoulders. He is quoted as saying at the first meeting of his new council that no one man should ever have to bear the burden of ruling alone, the crown is heavy and all families should bear that weight.
The Tior Dispute
With the crown in debt Pino brought to his council a proposition of trade expansion. He had, since before he even returned from the Southern Continent, made arrangements to trade goods with merchants in the south, but had not felt that Ruinous had had an abundance of resources to trade up until now. In the south crops like corn, grain, and potatoes were not readily available and could fetch a high price in their markets. His plan was to have the Testokes transport their surplus of crops to Adelphia where they would be shipped to the south. There they would be brought by merchants and then sold throughout their cities. His idea passed with a unanimous vote from the council, as it seemed beneficial to all parties involved, and there was no longer a shortage of food amongst Ruinousians. At first things were going well, until the ships from Adelphia came into conflict with additional trade ships from the island of Tior, a neighboring Kingdom located on an island just south west from Adelphia. Apparently the Tior had also established trade with the cities in the south and felt that the Nyis ships were not entitled to use the same routes as them. Pino has tasked Kieren Nyis, Lord of Adelphia, with handling the dispute, feeling that it was a simple misunderstanding. The Tior King, Evan Spewake, had not felt the same way however. After he met with Kieren and agree that they would share the seas he proceeded to sink the next Nyis ships he saw. Kieren saw this as an act of war and a series of violent Navel battles ensued. When it became evident that the Nyis fleet was incapable of winning the war they had gotten into Pino interjected. He called for the Castello fleet, as the Gaferty fleet was docked in the north east, to sail to Tior. Pino, along with Mikken, lead the Castello fleet to the shores of Tior, winning battle after battle in the sea along the way. When their ships came ashore outpoured thousands of men from the armies of every lord. The Tior army attempted to battle Pino, but with Ruinous's sheer numbers and Mikken's Magic they quickly retreated. Pino demanded Evan Spewake now swear fealty to him. Evan, seeing the might of Ruinous, wisely agreed and came to Pino and kneeled before him. The Island of Tior was now part of the Ruinousian Kingdom, for his cooperation Evan was able to maintain his rule over Tior and would now be made a Lord of Ruinous. For the first time in their history Ruinous had conquered another people.
The New Ruinous and Pino's Family
The acquisition of Tior Island brought about new means of trade and commerce for the Ruinousians. Tiro could produce a unique crop known as Peace-bloom. Peace-bloom appeared to be just a weed, but when smoked it created a feeling of lightheadedness and sometimes hallucinations. This crop was selling for triple the price that grain or corn was and by taking over this trade the crown was able to pay off its debt in a fourth of the estimated time. The plant also became a wild craze amongst Ruinousians and Pino himself became quite fond of the weed. He took to partaking in its pleasures on a daily basis and claimed that it helped him expand his mind. Also as part of his surrender Evan Spewake offered his sister Eileen to Pino as his wife. Pino had been so occupied with ruling his Kingdom that he never gave thought to marriage over the year, but none the less is was a great way to secure that his new lord remain loyal, so he married Eileen. Together he and Eileen had three children, twins Jack and Linda and Dante. As a father Pino cared for all of his children equally and believed that they should all be groomed to rule, even though Jack was the one who would succeed him. The three were very different though and Pino knew this and such allowed their educations to be shaped around their talents. Jack was a great warrior and gravitated toward the sword and horse training. He did not have his father's keenness and love of books but he was strong. His father felt that he would be a great king, as people loved and would follow him. His council will likely make most of the decisions, but his voice will be strong. Linda was just as Pino was in his youth, curious and clever. She thirsted for knowledge and to see the world. Dante was a mix of the two, not nearly as strong as Jack or as wise as Linda, but he was much more balanced. Though he did not possess knowledge of things other worldly as his sister he knew plenty of Ruinous, it's history, and of the lords who ruled it. When each child came of age they were permitted one journey that would be financed by their father. When Jack and Linda came of age they both requested to journey south as their father did. In the south Linda studied with scholars and historians, learning culture and philosophy while Jack challenged any one he could to fight trying to learn knew techniques of battle. Five years later they returned and it was then Dante's turn to travel. Dante however did not wish to see the south, he wanted to see the land that was before his eyes. He spent the next five years visiting with the Lords of Ruinous, learning about their families and about their people. When he returned five years later his brother and sister asked him what he had learned and his response was "everything a good ruler should know, who his people are".
Pino's Obsessions and Disappearance
As Jack came of age and returned from his journey Pino began to spend less and less time in the capital. He would often journey to he Blackstone Tower where it is said that he and Mikken would perform what they called "research". Pino had declared that his son Jack was a capable ruler and that the Prince's voice would be as good as his own. When Jack questioned his father he was told nothing except that his father was weary and no longer wished to rule. Pino felt that the crown need not be worn to the grave and that while Jack may only be prince that he had raised him well enough to rule. For fifteen years this went on and Pino was seen in his home almost never. Many people at this point viewed Jack as the King of Ruinous and he, along with Dante and Linda had successfully paid off the debt that their father had created. Ruinous was in capable hands, as Pino had said, but still they worried for their father. Edric Nands, Mikkens son, had since taken his father's role on the council as High Mage, as Mikken told him that his research kept him so busy that he would not have the time to advise a king. Reports had come from Balckstone of violent explosions and odd noises being heard in the night and Jack's concern for his father was growing. Jack sent word to his father, who was now an old man, that his family wished to have a celebration in his honor to celebrate that they had paid off the debt. Pino and Mikken both attended the celebration but time had worn them down. The two looked worn and almost unrecognizable. After the celebration Pino told Jack that he and Mikken would be traveling into the Startelm. Jack was disturbed by this as it was forbidden for Ruinousians to enter the Startelm, but Pino told him that he was King and not Jack and that he could not stop him. When morning came Pino and Mikken had already left and headed for the Startelm. Jack and Linda decided that they would both ride after their father in an attempt to talk some sense into him. Dante suggested that they bring him back by force if needed but Jack told him that even if their men did follow his orders that they would not be able to detain Mikken. Jack and Linda rode north toward the Starelm following the tracks of Pino and Mikken and were never seen again. Weeks later Dante rode after them and only found the tracks of horses going into the woods. Dante dared not follow the tracks or send any men to their death. He honored the pact made over a century ago, returned home, and took his place as King. His brother, sister, father, and Mikken were never seen again.