A Royal Knight for over forty years, Dyard is the oldest and wisest member in the order, having served under Daerunt in his days as commander to Pedigran Lagrest. Dyard served as squire to Ser Robin Testoke and was knighted at the age of twenty after he rescued the crown prince from the Cassopian Brotherhood. Since then Dyard has been a prominent member f the Royal Knights and has seen the inner workings of the capital for decades. He and Daerunt were good friends during their time serving Pedigran and Dyard felt no resentment when Daerunt was was chosen over him for the new commander. During the War of Extermination, Dyard urged his commander to council the king against what he was doing and when the night came that Daerunt massacred everyone at Stallworth he spared Dyard. He respected that Dyard desired to council his king to do what was right rather than just blindly follow him, but also that he took his vows seriously and was loyal to the crown. When Daerunt took the throne he offered Dyard the Position as Commander of his Royal Knights and would allow for him to hand pick those that would serve under him. Conflicted, due to the fact that Daerunt had betrayed their king and broke his vows, Dyard reluctantly accepted his role in the new Dynasty and has pledged his life to Daerunt. The king is almost never seen with out Dyard by his side and his word holds a heavy weight in the council chambers.